Unlock your dream tech job
AI-driven, industry-focused courses in software development and data science to secure your dream tech job.

Industry-tailored learning
Industry-oriented curriculum
An updated curriculum engineered to teach you only what the industry demands.
AI-driven learning products
AI-based IDE with real-time support and help, AI-based mock interviews, evaluation systems.
Experienced Instructors
Courses taught only by people who have already aced it! 1000+ tech professionals to guide you.
1000+ mock interviews
Practice your skills with unlimited number of mock interviews you can schedule yourself.
Our Offerings
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Full Stack Development
Your Recipe for a Rockstar career

Get Referrals
Boost your job prospects with referrals from our vast network of companies.

Company-Specific Prep
Get ready for interviews with customized preparation for your target companies.

Live Coding Practice
Improve your skills with live coding exercises and real time feedback.

Career Support
Continue to receive job opportunities and support as a valued alumnus of Newton School.