Salary of ₹10 lacs across all Junior Data Science Roles, with average hikes of 100%
From 2019 to 2023, Data Science industry saw 2.5x boom in Open Job Roles
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Full Syllabus for Professional Certificate Course in Data Science created by IIT, IIM Graduates
Begin by understanding Mathematical concepts demanded by the industry.
Learn and master one of the most commonly used tools for Data Analysis in the world.
This tool is considered one of the essential skills for all Business Analysts in India.
This tool is where the majority of companies rely upon visualizing all their data.
With Python, data scientists can make sense of large amounts of data and find patterns and insights like no other language.
It's time you start training your computer and learn your first Machine Learning tool.
Learn to solve complex problems like Weather Prediction with Tensorflow.
Learn on your own terms, with a flexible course duration that comes with easy payment options.
Total course fee
Includes 6 month of pre-course content for free.
₹2.25 lakhs
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